Canadian Blood Services Dana Devine Award

The Canadian Blood Services Dana Devine Award program recognizes promising scientists in a field related to transfusion science and medicine, blood banking and blood biotherapies. The program provides an opportunity for their research to be recognized by the transfusion community and is intended to support their career progression in academia in support of the blood system.

Candidate applications are evaluated on the basis of their scientific accomplishments, relevance to and impact on transfusion medicine, blood banking and blood biotherapies, and likelihood of pursuing a successful career in transfusion science.    
The award will be announced at the Annual Conference of the CSTM, where the recipient will deliver a lecture.  The recipient will receive an award in the value of $750.00.  The recipient will be assigned a conference mentor to facilitate their networking with the transfusion community. The conference registration and travel expenses of the recipient will be paid. Sponsorship of this award is provided by Canadian Blood Services.

Nominations for the Dana Devine award are to be submitted to the Chair of the Nominations Committee by February 15 of each year. Email:

Application Procedures

Please refer to the CTSM website for eligibility information.  

Eligibility Requirements

Please refer to the CSTM website for eligibility information.

Evaluation Criteria

Please refer to the CTSM website for eligibility information.


Annual Value
