Clear, Accurate, Concise writing

Date & Time

Monday, 31 May 2021 - 10:00am to Monday, 31 May 2021 - 12:00pm






GAPS is pleased to be hosting a virtual workshop on Clear, Accurate and Concise Writing. Hosted by Jean-luc Dumont of Principiae, whose training and consulting services are sought out by academics and industry professionals around the world, this workshop offers a unique chance to learn valuable communications skills from an expert.

Most writing classes approach clarity, accuracy, conciseness through style, yet subjective arguments such as “it’s nicer” seldom convince rational minds, who wonder what, exactly, is nicer about it. Approaching effective writing from structure, not style, this lecture discusses how to construct paragraphs and phrase sentences that answer all the readers’ questions as effortlessly, as usefully, and as fast as possible for them.

Register here.