Tips for Giving Highly Effective Feedback

Date & Time

Thursday, 29 April 2021 - 12:00pm to Thursday, 29 April 2021 - 1:00pm


Do you tend to avoid difficult feedback conversations?

When you deliver performance improvement feedback, does it lead to little or no change?

Would you like to feel more confident and successful when having these conversations?

If so, you are not alone! Many managers are ineffective people managers because they struggle with giving feedback and having difficult conversations. This isn’t surprising given most of us believe that feedback conversations will feel uncomfortable and potentially lead to conflict. However, it truly IS possible to enjoy giving feedback and to do it so well that it becomes part of your leadership toolkit for engagement, elevating performance and building relationships.

In this webinar, you will learn an immediately applicable framework for preparing and delivering effective feedback along with top tips and best practices gleaned from experiences in coaching and training thousands of leaders.

Please visit the event page to register.

About the Speaker

Sandy Russell, BA’88

As a workshop leader, HR Professional and Certified Coach, Sandy has been empowering teams, executives, managers, high potentials and emerging leaders in a variety of industries for over 20 years to leverage their potential, raise their consciousness, be more effective and create meaningful change in their leadership, career and life. She is dedicated to helping organizations create cultures where people are evolved, empowered and engaged. Her experience with top employers has given her given her key insights into the workplace practices and leadership qualities that contribute to this kind of healthy high-performance culture. In 2009, she received the ICF B.C. PRISM Award (Hon. Mention) which celebrates excellence and business achievement through professional coaching as a leadership strategy. As a volunteer she loves being a Dog Welfare Therapist at the BC SPCA.

Sandy’s education includes a BA in Psychology from UBC and graduate studies in the MBA program at Queen’s. She is a Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR), a Certified Sacred Gifts Guide, a licensed Neuroscience & Effectiveness Trainer who holds three Professional Coaching designations (PCC, CNTC and CPCC).