Natasha Orr

Project Description

Chronic pelvic pain affects approximately 15% of all women and an unknown number of transgender and gender-diverse people. It is often dismissed due to the stigma and normalization of pain experienced by women, as well as insufficient chronic pain education among health care providers. The research objectives are to 1) assess the knowledge needs of medical and nurse practitioner students on chronic pelvic pain in gynecologic conditions using a needs assessment questionnaire; 2) develop a serious game resource using iterative cycles of user-centered design, and; 3) formatively evaluate the resource to assess its usefulness and effectiveness at improving health care provider-in-training confidence in knowledge and delivery of care to people with chronic pelvic pain. This project will provide a sustainable and accessible resource freely available to BC health care providers-in-training to supplement their current curriculum; ultimately, improving their understanding of chronic pelvic pain and enabling them to better support their future patients.

Research Classification

  • Medical, health and life sciences

Research Interests

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain
  • Endometriosis
  • Medical Education
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Knowledge translation

Research Methodology

  • Survey Data
  • User Centered Design
  • CyberPatient


Faculty of Applied Science

Personal Website